Chemical solutions Made in Italy


Born from the deep knowledge and experience of a team of technicians, chemists and specialized formulators, Est Chemie produces chemical specialties in Italy for the treatment of metal surfaces, plastics and industrial waters.

Today the company structure is solid, dynamic and capable of adapting to any type of company.

Our wide range of CHEMIE-branded detergent, nanotechnology, water treatment and high-performance sanitization solutions includes more than 600 standard and customized formulations that reach domestic and international industries in the engineering, steel and agribusiness sectors.

Our know-how, experience gained in the field and in-depth knowledge of the needs of client companies have led us to a natural evolution. In addition to the formulation and sale of chemical products, our proposal extends to genuine technical consulting for all our clients.

Liters of water saved
Controlled machinery
Hours of laboratory analysis
Hours of training courses

Our specific technological solutions for surface treatment, cleaning, sanitization and nanotechnology have been developed to provide our customers with greater efficiency in their operations and industrial processes.

Suitable materials for treatment include materials and plastics.

Our product line for purification, boiler maintenance, cooling towers, reverse osmosis, and spray booth water is carefully designed and formulated to ensure a significant reduction in plant maintenance costs and to minimize environmental impact.

Special waste is a sensitive topic of great interest to businesses, as it is characterized by a multitude of issues closely related to both normal production activity and the necessary compliance with legal regulations. Through our brokerage service, we will provide you with advice and support for disposal activities, also taking care of transportation through established partnerships with leading companies in the sector. Our offer is completed with an extraordinary technical cleaning service for spray booths.

richiedi un preventivo

I nostri tecnici sono a disposizione per fornirti consulenza, informazioni tecniche e soluzioni relative ai prodotti a marchio CHEMIE.

Litri d'acqua risparmiati
Macchinari controllati
Ore di analisi in laboratorio
Ore di corsi di formazione

Un servizio all inclusive

La nostra offerta di prodotti altamente performanti, si completa con una serie di servizi che consentono al cliente di affidarsi totalmente a noi: consulenza tecnica, assistenza on-site e da remoto, manutenzione impianti, analisi di laboratorio, sono aspetti che ci rendono una realtà unica nel panorama italiano ed europeo. Forniamo servizi che danno una garanzia di qualità per tutto il ciclo di vita del prodotto. Possiamo valutare il vostro processo di produzione, programmare la formazione del personale operativo ed effettuare diversi test qualitativi e di performance.

An all-inclusive service

Our offer of high-performance products, is completed with a series of services that allow the customer to rely totally on us: technical consultancy, on-site and remote assistance, plant maintenance, laboratory analysis, are aspects that make us a unique reality in the Italian and European panorama. We provide services that give a guarantee of quality throughout the product life cycle. We can evaluate your production process, schedule training for operating personnel, and perform various quality and performance tests.

request a quote

Our technicians are at your service to provide you with advice, technical information and solutions related to CHEMIE brand products.
Contact us